He tōpūtanga a National Science Challenge Building Better Homes, Towns and Cities (BBHTC) e whakamana ana i te Tiriti o Waitangi me ōna whanonga pono. Ko tetahi tikanga matua o BBHTC, ko te hāpai i ngā rangapū rangahau e whakamānawatia ai te hononga ki waenganui i ngā tangata tiriti me ngā tangata whenua o Aotearoa.
Ko ngā mahi o ngā pou rūnanga me ngā pou whakahaere o te tōpūtanga nei, ko te tū hei māngai mo te hunga whaipānga i roto i ngā mahi rangahau e aronui ana ki ngā hiahia o ngā hāpori māori, ngā hāpori tauiwi me era atu o ngā hunga whaipānga. Mā te whakakōtahi i ngā mātauranga o te ao Māori me ngā akoranga pūtaiao o te ao pākeha, e aronui ana a BBHTC kia tautoko i ngā kaupapa rāngahau e hāpai ana i ngā mehanga auaha mo te rāngai hanga whare me ngā kaupapa whakararu taiao ki ngā taone me ngā rohe whānui. Ko te mea nui kia akiaki i ngā mahi whakahaumanutia i te taiao kia whakapuāwaitia i ngā hāpori o Aotearoa.
The National Science Challenge Building Better Homes, Towns and Cities (BBHTC) is a Te Tiriti o Waitangi based organisation that asserts a commitment to honourable, active and transformative research partnerships between Tangata Tiriti and Tangata Whenua.
The BBHTC Governance Co-Chairs, alongside a Tiriti based Board support our Co-Directors to represent both Tangata Whenua and Tangata Tiriti interests. As a Tiriti based organisation, both parties work collaboratively with stakeholders to produce research that addresses the importance of meeting the needs of Hāpori Māori, New Zealand communities and other stakeholders. By integrating the expertise from Te Ao Māori with western science and technology, the challenge seeks to support research that creates innovative solutions for New Zealand’s housing, urban and the built environmental challenges, that supports the restoration of te taiao and thriving communities across Aotearoa.