Te tōpūtangaAbout BBHTC

Te moemoeāOur Vision

Ko ngā turuapo o BBHTC kia eke tua i te ahuatanga ōkiko o te whare.

Hei kainga mahana, hei kainga atawhai, hei taurima i ngā kainoho katoa. Ko te manako ia o BHHTC ki a whakawhanake i ngā whare o te motu kia ora marika te ira tangata.

Ko te pokapū o BBTHC kia rangahaua i ngā ahua urutau me te hangarau kia panoni ngā ariā o te hanga whare me ngā tāone hoki. He whānui te aro o BBHTC ki tēnei wero. Kahore tēnei rangahau kua here ki ngā ahuatanga waihanga noa iho. Engari, he whaipānga ma BBHTC kia miramira i ēnei rangahau hei taonga mo ngā tangata kanorau o Aotearoa.


Te Tiriti o WaitangiTreaty Partnership

I ngā tau e ono kua hipa, ko te mahi a BBHTC ki te komokomotia i ngā mātāpono o te Tiriti o Waitangi.

Ko te Tiriti ano hoki e arahi ana i ngā whakatakotoranga, i ngā tikanga o tenei rōpū. Koinei te tumu o BBHTC me tā matou takohanga kia tiaki i ngā taonga tuku iho me ngā mana tuarite katoa. Ko ēnei ngā taputapu e whakapiri ana ngā whānau, hapū, iwi hoki hei tohu rangatira mo tēnei mea te whakawhanaungatanga.

I enei rā, kua tino tauawhi a BBHTC ki ngā whanonga pono o Te Tiriti o Waitangi, ano nei, kua ū tēnei ohu ki te whanake i ngā hononga ki ngā rōpū rangahau, ngā whānau, ngā hapū, ngā iwi, ngā pūnenga kāwanatanga hoki. Ko te ngāko o tēnei kaupapa kia whakakotahi ēnei rōpū ki te hangaia i etahi taunakitanga kia panoni ngā ahua ahumahi o naianei.


Te kunengaBBHTC Evolution

Mai i te tau 2016, ko te arotahi a BBHTC ko te whakapiki i ngā ahumahi o te hanga whare me ngā ahuatanga hoahoa horanuku o ngā taone.

Ka whaipānga enei rangahau ki te hunga kaihanga whare, kaiwhiwhi whare, kaiwaeture me ngā hāpori whānui. Na te taupua o BRANZ, ka arotahi a BBHTC ki roto i ngā mahi rangahau e hāngai ana ki ngā ahuatanga hangarau o te ahumahi hanga whare o Aotearoa. Ko ngā rangapū kua whakaritea a BBHTC me ngā kairangahau, he mahi whakangaotia i ngā mahi rangahau e aro matua ki ngā mehanga whakapakari i ngā whānau, hapu, iwi me ngā hāpori.

Ko te whainga o tatou kia ahopoka ngā kairangahau, ngā ahumahi, ngā hāpori whānui kia waihanga i ngā mātauranga hou kia huri enei waahi hei takiwa ora ke.

Ko ngā wero o BBHTC, ko te:

  1. Hanga i ngā whare me te hāpori e whakanuia i ngā ahuatanga urutaunga o ngā hiahia matua o Aotearoa.
  2. Whakatūturu te ahumahi whare kia kounga te hanga.
  3. Gangaia i ngā whare haumaru ki te tangata.
  4. Whakatuarā ngā ahuatanga toitū kia puawai te tangata.
  5. Hanga i ngā kainga, taone me ngā rangahau hei taonga mo ngā hāpori katoa.

He mana kei roto i ngā whakaputanga rangahau o BBHTC. Ko ēnei rangahau he kōrero tohutohu kia arahi i te ahumahi hanga whare o Aotearoa. Ko te wawata kia whakahiapo i ēnei momo hurihanga kia whākina te mauri o ngā ahuatanga toitū whenua. Ko te tūruapō o BBHTC kia pūrangiaho i ngā horanuku e kīkī ana i ngā whare, ngā taone nui me ngā hāpori hoki. Ko wēnei wahi he wahi kia whakaora i ngā tangata katoa o Aotearoa.


Te hoaketangaChallenge objective

To improve the quality and supply of housing and create smart and attractive urban environments.

Ngā mauhanga whakapūBackground documents

Rauika Māngai: A guide to Vision Mātauranga. Lessons from Māori voices in the New Zealand science sector.

Collaborative report of the Rauika Māngai of the New Zealand National Science Challenges and Ngā Pae o te Māramatanga. June 2020, 80pgs.

Building Better Homes, Towns and Cities: Ko ngā wā kaingā hei whakamahorahora.

Overview and research plan for Building Better Homes, Towns and Cities National Science Challange. Wellington: National Science Challenge 11: Building Better Homes, Towns and Cities.

Building Better Homes, Towns and Cities: Ko ngā wā kaingā hei whakamahorahora. Appendices.

Appendices of Building Better Homes, Towns and Cities National Science Challange. Wellington: National Science Challenge 11: Building Better Homes, Towns and Cities.

Tāne Whakapiripiri – Interactive Story

This resource illustrates the importance of the work of BBHTC and our commitment to enacting positive change towards housing all people in Aotearoa today.

Tāne Whakapiripiri – Our Framework

The Tāne Whakapiripiri framework stands tall, acknowledging and cherishing the distinctive perspectives of both western science and mātauranga Māori.

Ngā kāhui tautokoChallenge members